Easel does it action comics

Easel does it: 
drawing action comics
Lee townsend / colleen doran

EXTENT: 96pp (48 double-sided)
FORMAT: 190mm x 270mm (11 in x 7.5 in)
BINDING: Easel style format with concealed wiro bound
WORDS: 17,000

Lee Townsend is a professional cartoonist, animator, and illustrator who has worked for clients such as Disney and Dreamworks. His work has appeared in DC Comics, Marvel, Image Comics, as well as Nickelodeon publications, and in books for Disney and Warner Bros.

Action Figures are super-size and their movements are exaggerated. After working through the 10 projects and Easel Does It: Drawing Action Comics, anyone who wants to experiment with this art form will be able to create their own characters in position them in realistic background scenes.

With special photography, Drawing Action Comics: Easel Does It shows how to draw and colour action superheroes, and how to place them in exciting scenes.

Ten creative step-by-step projects, demonstrating how to draw and ink larger-than-life figures, how to get action into your artwork, how to use colour creatively, and how to make your male, female, and otherworldly superheroes come alive.

All materials, equipment, and techniques needed to create superheroes are fully explained and accompanied by a gallery of action heroes by professional artists 
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